Monday, March 30, 2020

Critical Mass in Chemistry

Critical Mass in ChemistryCritical mass is the fourth and final stage of chemical evolution. It is the point where equilibrium is achieved between one or more chemical elements and its several interacting and competing species. An equilibrium may be described as a state of relative balance. This article describes the four stages of the chemical evolution.The fourth stage of the chemical evolution is called the additive. At this stage, species are competing against each other. Each species has the ability to produce its own byproducts but is not competing with another species for such elements. At this stage of the chemical evolution, all species are free of other species as well.The fifth stage is called the competitive. This stage is characterized by species competing with each other. This stage involves competition between groups of species, and each species, at this stage, has the ability to produce its own byproducts. These products are considered as poisons to competitors. Since they cannot compete with other species, the poisons from the poisoners are not eliminated by the poisoners.The sixth phase is called the antagonistic. This stage includes two species that have not yet competed against each other. This phase occurs when the first two phases have already taken place. At this stage, a third phase begins. This phase exists between one species and the other species. In this phase, the first two phases have been removed.The seventh phase is called the antagonists. In this phase, species are still alive, but no competition is involved. The seventh phase occurred when species are dead. Each species has accumulated the elements needed to survive, but the system has not yet undergone any chemical evolution. In order to achieve chemical evolution, the process of chemical evolution has to be repeated.The eighth phase is called the chain reaction. The eighth phase is the occurrence of chemical evolution in which one group of species can survive by producing and reacting with other groups of species. At this phase, the primary species, which are still alive, is producing chemical species that have also become alive. The seventh phase came after the second phase. The process has begun from the seventh phase.The ninth phase is called the great transformation. In this phase, all species are dead. At this stage, the chemical evolution is complete. At this phase, chemical evolution comes to an end. The chemical evolution had not produced anything during the course of the chemical evolution.In conclusion, the process of chemical evolution is the most diverse process in existence. It includes four major stages.

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